jueves, 17 de octubre de 2013

Visit of IDB’s President at Andean Valley

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Visit of IDB’s President at Andean Valley

Andean Valley was happy and proud to show the Inter-American Development Bank’s (IDB) President, Mr. Luis Alberto Moreno our facilities on April 28th. 

In just a few hours, Andean Valley’s CEO and CABOLQUI’s President, Javier Fernandez P.E., took Mr. Moreno on a tour from begging to end to show him the process we use to obtain a clean quinoa grain, free of rocks, hay or any impurities; the process that each and every quinoa grain goes though before being ready for exportation or local consumption. 

The visit and tour that gathered over 20 people, included the Governor of La Paz, Mr. Cesar H. Cocarico, Ms. Paola Mejía, General Manager of CABOLQUI as well as many other members of this Chamber; ended with an exquisite lunch that took place in Andean Valley, and was prepared by chef Joseph Brozovich, the same chef that prepared over 400 appetizers at the Official Launching Ceremony of the International Year of Quinoa 2013 that was held at the United Nations General Assembly in New York City.

Mr. Moreno is the President of the IDB since 2005 and this has been his first visit to Andean Valley and many other quinoa factories, but we certainly hope it will not be his last. 

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