jueves, 10 de octubre de 2013

New Machinery for the Processing Plant and Added Value Products

Revisa esta nota en el Sitio de Andean Valley
New Machinery for the Processing Plant and Added Value Products
Andean Valley S.A. due to its constant conscious in capacity with quality, imported from Denmark two 40 feet containers in the end of the year with machines for the quinoa grains processing plant and for the added value products plant. Several grain cleaning machines, dust extractors, neumatic systems for grain transportation, mills, dust filters, more than 20 silos, etc are some of the new machines that will be installed in the process. Andean Valley and its Danish client company Aurion visited some years ago CIMBRIA (www.cimbria.dk) the main Danish company who produce high quality machinery for grains processing, cleaning and storing. After 1 year of studying of the quinoa grains at the Cimbria technology center, they have complete adapted their machines for the quinoa seeds. Today Andean Valley increased its capacity in 50% with the highest quality techniques for the processing of the grains.

In other hand, due to our significant growing’s of the added value products exportations, Andean Valley S.A. made and important investment in machinery from Brazil and Peru for flaking, milling, extrusion and packaging processes. With this the Andean Valley partners and Companies that buy us can continue offering the best Quality of products for our consumers around the world!

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