sábado, 27 de octubre de 2012

My American Dream Came True

By: Ana Chipana

On May 5, 2000, I came to the United States with a dream to overcome my obstacles. It has allowed me to be able to contribute to humanity and thus fulfill God’s wishes for which I was created. My name is Ana Chipana I was born in La Paz, Bolivia and thanks to my faith in God, the support of my husband and my perseverance; I have been able to accomplish many goals.
When my husband was stricken with a gastrointestinal illness, doctors recommended that he change his eating habits. It was then that he began to eat Royal Quinoa, a grain my mother had used often when cooking. My husband’s health improved rapidly and I attributed it largely to the benefits of the Royal Quinoa grain.
I began to study in depth the advantages the organic Royal Quinoa offers and I since become understand how it helped my husband’s health and how it could also help others improve their health. Seeing all the advantages first hand, I felt the need and concern to educate people that were unaware of the highly nutritional value that this grain grants. It was difficult road at the beginning to convince the general Hispanic community of its benefits. Even those which had known about Quinoa grain had not incorporated it as part of their daily diet.
In the Anglo-American market, it is more somewhat more well-known and consumed than in mainstream outlets, but there are largely no places in which a person could taste it. With the concept of “healthy” not normally being associated with exquisite flavor, I decided to apply Royal Quinoa to pastries making them natural delicious and nutritious.
Through this desire to educate people, I made the conscious decision to study business management at a private university (Unilatina International College) I felt this way I could better offer my services with more knowledge and professionalism. While studying at this institution, I made several tastings of Royal Quinoa pastries and people grew to happily enjoy and accept it into their diet.
Once my studies were completed, I focused entirely on Quinoa as a business with the help of my husband. At the same time, looking for new ways on improving the quality of service and successful marketing strategies of promoting Quinoa. I took a course by a non-profit and altruistic institution “Hispanic Unity of Florida & Score”. Among several participants in this workshop course, I was recognized for my by innovative application of Royal Quinoa in pastries, awarded with an article published on the front page in the local well known Newspaper (Sun Sentinel / El Sentinel) www.sentinel.com, since then, new doors have begun to open for me and my business.
Shortly I contacted with channels 23 Univision and Telefutura Television Hispanic channels highly recognized in the United States, and internationally. Here I had the pleasure of meeting Mr. Angel Meneces from Bolivia he collaborated and create a program in the two channels; and then we made Quinoa royal tasting for them and they were extremely pleased with Quinoa’s taste and texture in pastries.
As  the 187th anniversary of the Independence of Bolivia approached on August 6th 2012, I was asked to make a typical Bolivian breakfast based on Royal Quinoa in a formal presentation for both shows Univision "News al Amanecer" and Telefutura "News" (TV channel Univision affiliate) the menu layout which presented in this way: Royal Quinoa Api (hot beverage) accompanied with royal quinoa fritters with honey, humintas of royal quinoa, royal quinoa patties with cheese, royal quinoa cookies, royal quinoa breads, royal quinoa muffins orange flavors,  apple juice with royal quinoa and mango juice with royal quinoa.
The entire staff was able to taste the many varieties and preparations of the Royal Quinoa organic and they all gave it positive reviews.

Desayuno Andino Boliviano by Wara Quinoa

Very good Ana, we are proud by your work, best regards.

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